Welcome to Rumor City.
Location: Limbo.

Everything that lives, dies. That is a simple fact, one that every human understands and accepts. Your death, specifically, has just happened – but what happens next?

The pearly gates? A black abyss? A beach somewhere?

Nope! A train station.

Welcome to Rumor, a city full of lost souls like yourself. Here things blend together in a unique blend of horror and fantasy, past and future, the real and the fake. As you walk up the steps of the train station, seeking answers, you may realize the surroundings are not the only thing that’s different. You, yourself may have changed. You may not even be the human you once were. Rumor has a habit of changing its new inhabitants into all different fantastical beings.

How is this possible? Remember, you’re dead. Luckily, Rumor has created a body for your soul. This combination of soul and body is an Echo. It is powered by essence, a reflection of who you were in life. You may not understand why your echo presents itself as an elf, a demon or a werewolf yet. It is a reflection of your soul, and sometimes, we aren’t completely honest with ourselves.

An example: If you were someone who tended to collect something. Maybe it was stamps, maybe it was fancy cars, but collect something you did. Rumor may shift your appearance to that of a dragon. Proud and protective of a horde. You’ll just need to find something new to collect in this city.

If your body is killed? Rumor has it that the City harvests your essence and sends it to the Hospital to create a new body for you. This is commonly known as respawning but some may call it rebirth, or reincarnation. A word of caution though, each time you die you will lose some sanity, lose all your sanity? Well, the Wilds is always looking for more monsters.

So take a moment, find a shiny surface, and check. Are you still human? If not, do not panic most, once settled, find it to be more a blessing than a curse. In Rumor there are five different categories also known as Genres your form may have taken. The Quiet, you look human and normal you may just find though that when you wiggle your fingers sparks come out. Magic. A talent many desire. The Fable, you have taken on a fantasy aspect to your appearance. Maybe you were the type that could always flash a smile while screaming curses in your head. The Horror, you look like you could be the star of the best horror films. Best guess? You liked playing a villain in some capacity in your life, but just a guess. The Quarry, you have an animalistic appearance. Maybe you were more nature-focused, or you would rather hang out with the animals than the people. The Fused, are those whose forms have a bit of this and a bit of that in it. Commonly cybernetics have been added to the form. Often this tends to be those who never quite felt they had found themselves, always changing and updating to see what fit.

No matter your form, you may find yourself in possession of new talents! Like so many things in the City, magic is a reality here. However, be careful. Using magic costs your sanity. The more you use it, the less sane you become. There is the possibility that when you hit a certain level of insanity you are completely lost and you become a monster of the Wilds.