Haven Hotel

“The Haven Hotel squats like an old dame dressed in too much pink, her neon sign winking at every lost soul in town. It’s a siren among the whispers, a place where every Echo comes to roost because the streets don’t favor the weary, and anywhere else is just a waste of scratch.

Nobody pays to stay at The Haven. The doors are always open, the rooms have everything you could need, a nice bathroom, clean bed that’ll stay that way if you exit the room more than an hour whatever mystical cleaning staff resets them. You’ll open your door to all your things as you left them but empty ashtrays, a made bed with a mint and fresh sheets, well scrubbed bathroom, and sparkling clean floor and tabletops.

You walk in, and it’s like stepping into an old flick — all mood lighting and the scent of something expensive mixed with sin. There’s flesh on display around the poles, and the clink of glasses mingles with the soft rustle of currency and silk. Upstairs, the rooms are always waiting, silent as the secrets they keep, the Orderlies keeping watch like hawks. Trouble’s shown the door before it can get comfy.

It’s not just a place to lay your head; it’s the place. The first floor’s a siren’s call, ringing with the clatter and jangle of the casino life, slots and tables for those with enough Scratch to forget their damnation. But don’t let the velvet and smiles fool you; this hotel’s got more stories than it has rooms, each one a shade darker than the last. The joint’s got this other thing going — it’s the beating heart of the Sex Workers Guild, discreet as a whisper but as obvious as the daylight. They’ve got their own brand of law here, and it’s written in skin and Scratch.

And for all the Echoes, this ain’t just some flophouse; it’s as close to ‘home’ as it gets in this twisted city. It’s the place you end up— a hotel with an infinite vacancy that asks nothing of your past, offering a silent nod to whatever you wish to forget.”


The Aviary

Members of the Haven Hotel’s Sex Workers Guild have the opportunity to join the elite faction known as the Aviary. Unlike those who choose to part of the Sex Workers Guild, these faction members exclusively serve within the hotel’s confines; birds of paradise within a gilded cage.

At Haven, while the staff ensures comfort and security personnel provide protection, courtesans from the Aviary specialize in offering companionship. Far removed from ordinary street workers, these courtesans are highly trained professionals.

Upon joining the faction, courtesans undergo extensive training in deportment and comportment, enhancing their physical and emotional presentation to epitomize sophistication. They learn advanced grooming techniques and dress in bespoke, fashionable attire.

Their education encompasses skills such as dressing and undressing techniques for themselves and clients, maintaining personal quarters, reading, elocution, dining etiquette, and the fine art of serving food and drinks. They’re adept at engaging in small talk, gauging social atmospheres, and are well-versed in various languages and cultural customs.

To enhance their companionship, courtesans are also educated in poetry, music, art, dance, and acrobatics. Their training includes holistic methods, utilizing herbs, oils, incense, and medicines.

They become skilled in massage and aftercare techniques for both clients and themselves.

Additionally, they stay informed about the city’s political dynamics, a knowledge crucial for navigating through opposing factions. Courtesans discreetly gather and share information, always prioritizing privacy and anonymity, to bolster faction safety.

In public, they embody grace and elegance, but privately, their skills are just as nuanced and refined. Each courtesan possesses unique specializations, whether it’s mastering subtlety or asserting dominance, healing, humor, or creativity.

Taking the darker inclinations of the city of Rumor’s inhabitants into consideration, some client requests involve significant sacrifices from the courtesans. The darker the request, the higher the cost for the client and the greater the compensation for the courtesan. In this area of expertise, a courtesan is trained to be either proficient predators or enticing prey.

Hotel Management


  • The hotel manager stands as the conductor of a diverse ensemble, skillfully overseeing receptionists, housekeepers, bellhops, and concierges. Their domain is one of perpetual motion, where every detail matters in crafting a seamless guest experience.
  • At the heart of the hotel’s thrumming pulse, the casino manager wields control over the realm of chance and fortune. Dealers, croupiers, count room clerks, and pit supervisors all fall under their watchful gaze, a realm extended to include the vigilant security staff, ensuring a safe yet exhilarating environment.
  • In the realm where night comes alive, the bar manager orchestrates a symphony of nightlife entertainment. Bartenders, dancers, and stage performers all contribute under their direction, creating an atmosphere brimming with energy and allure.
  • The culinary universe of the hotel, a world of flavors and aromas, is the domain of the master chef. Here, the kitchen and wait staff operate in harmonious unison, ensuring that every dish is a masterpiece of taste and presentation.
  • Beyond their fundamental duties, these custodians of the Haven Hotel are tasked with a unique and creative challenge: to weave ongoing narratives for both staff and yourself, enriching the hotel’s ambiance with stories and experiences.

They play a pivotal role in planning and executing hotel-centered events, turning every occasion into a memorable spectacle, ensuring that the Haven Hotel is not just a place to stay, but a world to be experienced.

Hotel Staff

These are the subordinates of the managers and the beating heart of the hotel itself. Without them, the hotel would be an empty husk. The interactions between hotel staff and the guests is what creates an immersive environment for players and offers a more intimate story setting.

Hosts/Hostesses: Under the watchful guidance of Ms. Kiya Badawi, novices of the Sex Workers Guild embark on an intensive journey to become courtesans. Their initiation begins in the lively realms of the bar and casino, where they serve as hosts. In these roles, they are ambassadors of hospitality, ensuring that every guest’s needs are attentively met. Their duties include acting as guides and providing congenial company, enhancing the guests’ experience during their stay.

Throughout this phase of their training, the focus is on non-physical aspects of companionship. The novices are encouraged to develop a repertoire of skills that elevate the art of conversation, charm, and social interaction. While they have the option to engage in other aspects of their profession, these activities are not a part of their formal training program and are pursued at their own discretion. It is essential to gauge player comfort-levels and keep the table-talk tasteful.

Courtesans: Upon the culmination of their rigorous training, courtesans are honored with a golden collar pin or brooch, elegantly fashioned into a feather’s likeness. This signifies their mastery and readiness to embody the art of courtesanship. Each courtesan then selects a bird that resonates with their unique talents and persona, adopting it as a part of their professional alias. This avian emblem is featured on the menu provided to clients, assisting them in finding a courtesan whose expertise and aura best align with their desires.

Out of Character (OOC)

Prospective courtesans, when applying, are kindly requested to inform the faction lead of their roleplay style preferences. Whether it be succinct one-liners, detailed paragraph roleplay, or a blend tailored to different scenes and situations, your preferences are important to us. While we aspire for all roleplay to unfold organically, rather than as assigned tasks, understanding these preferences is crucial for aligning roleplayers for an optimal and mutually enjoyable experience.

Kiya Badawi, the astute head of operations at Haven Hotel and a respected board member of the Sex Workers Guild, stands as the influential matriarch of the Aviary faction in the bustling city of Rumor. Above her, in the hierarchy, is the flamboyant Avery G. Guy, proprietor of the hotel, notorious for his extravagant taste in décor.

In this unique society, courtesans are bestowed names upon completing their training, reflective of their specialized skills. Those endowed with artistic flair, encompassing artists and musicians, proudly adopt the title ‘Sparrow.’ Individuals excelling in Domination are aptly named ‘Jay,’ while those adept in submissive roles take on the moniker ‘Koel.’

Healers within this community are revered as ‘Caladrius.’ A courtesan with the rare gift of humor is whimsically termed a ‘Potoo bird.‘ The more erudite and sagacious are known as ‘Finches.’ Meanwhile, the formidable and stealthy are christened ‘Cassowary,’ contrasting with their more demure and gentle counterparts, the ‘Thrush.

The symbolism extends to their feather colors, meticulously chosen to represent their writing preferences. A bronze feather signifies mastery in crafting succinct one-liners, a silver feather indicates a talent for elaborate paragraph writing, and a golden feather denotes versatility in both styles, adapting to the scene’s demands.