Rescue And Redeem

“You’re about to step into the world of ‘Rescue and Redeem’, a part of Rumor City that ain’t for the weak-hearted. Let me give you the rundown.

The mission of these guys? It’s like they’re tryin’ to be saints in a sinner’s world. They stand up against the worst of the worst here in Rumor. They’re all about savin’ souls, bringin’ some semblance of order to this chaotic mess we’re in. Got this cockamamy idea about redemption and protectin’ the little guy. Thinks they’re gonna find their way outta this hellhole by playin’ the hero.

If you’re thinkin’ of throwin’ in with these mugs, you better be ready to get your hands dirty for the ‘greater good’. They ain’t playin’ patty-cake. It’s about sacrifice, about doin’ the tough stuff no one else has the guts for.

So, there it is. Rescue and Redeem ain’t your run-of-the-mill gang. They’re lookin’ to make a mark, to change things in this madhouse we call home. You wanna join? You better have the guts to fight for somethin’ bigger than yourself. Just remember, in Rumor City, even the saints gotta be as tough as nails.”


At the heart of Rescue and Redeem, under Anita Break’s dedicated leadership, lies a lasting tribute to its founder, Tolland Handsome. Anita, a close confidante of Tolland, has taken up her abode in a room atop the building, the nerve center of this honorable endeavor. From this strategic perch, she unwaveringly champions Tolland’s vision, ensuring that redemption remains the core of the organization’s ethos.

Faction Purpose and Limitations

As highlighted on the introduction page, early in the history of Rumor, its inhabitants decisively rejected traditional law enforcement. This sentiment was dramatically underscored when they set the police station ablaze in response to attempts at incarceration. After all, in a place where Echoes can simply end their lives to escape, traditional jails lose their efficacy. Thus, the focus shifted from imprisonment to maintaining street-level peace.

Rescue and Redeem, the faction at the heart of this approach, does not engage in arrests or detentions. Their sole purpose is to quell violence on the streets of Rumor, employing any means necessary. This often involves respawning both the innocent and the guilty caught in disruptions of peace – a drastic but effective measure to regain control.

Staunchly independent, Rescue and Redeem aligns with no other player faction. Their protective mantle extends only to two establishments: The Mystery Surgical Theater and The Haven Hotel. Here, they serve not just as guardians but as symbols of a unique order within the chaos of Rumor.

All players who are part of Rescue and Redeem will be expected to abide by and carry a copy of The Code at all times.

The Code: A Testament of Valor and Virtue

Central to the ethos of Rescue and Redeem is a venerable, leather-bound book, weathered by time. Its many replicas, equally fragile, teeter on the brink of disintegration. Within these pages lie the profound musings of Tolland on morality, forming the crux of The Code and igniting the Orderlies’ unyielding resolve. They patrol Rumor’s streets, facing the daunting specter of trauma, a sacrifice borne willingly to shield others from suffering. These modern-day knights champion moral integrity with fervent dedication, aspiring not just to enforce, but to convert skeptics into champions of their Moral Code, spearheading a quest for righteousness amidst Rumor’s chaos.

The Virtues of R&R Members:

  • Embodies a transcendence over life and death.
  • Bravely faces Rumor City’s horrors, viewing death as a mere shift in suffering.
  • Upholds dignity in defeat or capture, eschewing pleas for mercy.
    Code of Silence and Stoicism:
  • Adheres to a stoic silence in the face of adversity.
  • Demonstrates unwavering commitment and emotional fortitude, a testament to inner strength.
    Handling Moral Dilemmas:
  • Applies courage to ethical challenges.
  • Navigates moral complexities with steadfast principles and resolve.
    Discouragement of Romantic Attachments:
  • ((OOC note: Yes, you may still have relationships in character. At no point will you be removed from faction or blocked from ranking up for having a partner. This is only to add a sense of forbidden romance for those who will enjoy the plot. ))
  • Views romantic entanglements as potential distractions, hence discouraged.
  • Permits casual relationships, but deep emotional bonds are considered vulnerabilities.
  • Is paramount and absolute.
  • Expressed through deeds, with private dissent permissible within The Code’s boundaries.
  • Betrayal of the oath or comrades incurs severe consequences.
  • Serves as the bedrock of their being.
  • Cultivated through virtuous actions and strict adherence to dueling codes.
  • Advocates for the defenseless and treats adversaries with fairness.
  • Embodies a noble pursuit of communal justice under The Code.
  • The Code is memorized and exemplified by the “Quiets.”
  • Regular spiritual gatherings bolster their commitment.
  • The cycle of death and rebirth leads some to transform into “Fused” or “Horrors” without guidance.

The Impact of Trauma and Fidelity to The Code: The Orderlies’ continuous exposure to trauma and their rigorous devotion to The Code foster a near-cultish zeal. While their mission to thwart death in Rumor is laudable, it culminates in a collective mania, a fixation that teeters on the brink of fanaticism. This unrelenting crusade obscures the line between dedication and delusion, trading sanity for the safeguarding of the city.

You are certainly free to portray an Orderly who seeks power, even to the point of bullying. Feel empowered to engage with and comment on the actions of other Echoes, as long as you can find any reasonable pretext to do so.

Patrol Guidelines

Orderlies are pivotal in preserving the fragile equilibrium between peace and disorder in Rumor City. As custodians of its streets, they follow predetermined routes to ensure their presence where it matters most. Straying from these paths is discouraged, given the mixed feelings of the city’s residents towards the concept of Rescue and Redeem. Some view the idea of a vigilant force with skepticism, resistant to any form of authoritative oversight, even one that refrains from making arrests.

In navigating the unpredictable and hazardous environment of Rumor City, Orderlies abide by a specific protocol that emphasizes swift and decisive actions to safeguard the community. This approach often leads to a proactive stance in situations that could escalate into violence, adopting a “shoot-first, ask-questions-later” policy. Although this method is drastic, it is informed by the Orderlies’ personal encounters with danger, which have profoundly affected their psychological health and influenced their actions.

At the heart of an Orderly’s principles is the quest for redemption. The act of respawning—where individuals are reborn after death—provides a chance for spiritual cleansing and an escape from the perpetual cycle of reincarnation that defines Rumor City through Real Death. However, the serious consequences of taking a life, or “respawning” an Echo, or failing to protect an innocent from the trauma of death, pose significant obstacles to an Orderly’s redemption journey. This highlights the complex moral terrain they navigate, striving to balance the duty of maintaining order against the weighty moral consequences of their actions. It also shows why the “RP Helper”, which displays your set character name in green to red depending on the amount of Essence you have, allows players to OOCly have more control over if they respawn you or not.

This dedication to redemption informs how Orderlies interact with the populace. In confrontations, their goal is to subdue rather than to kill, aiming to reduce aggressors to low health to avoid fatal outcomes. This policy underscores a deeply held conviction in the possibility of redemption for all, even those causing unrest, with lethal force reserved solely for instances of unyielding aggression. Through this lens, Orderlies’ actions reflect a broader commitment to peace and moral accountability within the tumultuous landscape of Rumor City. As some Orderlies venture closer to the line of loss of their sanity they begin to kill, or respawn others more frequently.

The process of de-escalation follows a structured approach. Upon encountering any group during their patrol, orderlies announce their presence vocally, a necessary practice in the absence of distinct uniforms. In situations deemed dangerous—specifically physical confrontations, as opposed to non-violent activities deemed illegal elsewhere—the Orderlies make their intentions known, urging all parties to cease their aggression. The absence of a formal legal system in Rumor City means that the focus is squarely on quelling immediate threats rather than adjudicating disputes. Should an aggressor be identified, they become the target of Orderly intervention; in more ambiguous scenarios, all participants in the violence are subdued to ensure safety.

It’s also part of an Orderly’s duties to engage with the community beyond conflict resolution. Interactions with citizens are opportunities for roleplay, fostering a sense of connection and narrative development within Rumor City. These encounters, whether incidental or arranged, are vital for building a vibrant, interactive environment. The expectation is for orderlies to remain observant, pausing in areas of high activity to encourage spontaneous roleplaying, thereby enriching the communal experience.

Finally, documentation plays a role in the Orderly’s responsibilities. Each patrol concludes with an incident report, a narrative account that captures the day’s encounters and actions. These reports, though administrative in nature, are crafted in character, adding another layer to the ongoing story of Rumor City. Through these meticulous records, the Orderlies contribute to the larger tapestry of tales that define this unique, ever-evolving world.

Incident Report

Following any patrol or upon discovering noteworthy information, Scouts and Orderlies are required to complete an Incident Report. This report must be written entirely in character. If the identity of any individual involved is unknown by your character, their names should not be included in the document. Instead, a brief description of the individual should be provided. The report should concisely summarize all events witnessed by the character, aiming for clarity and coherence in the account.


Rune Vireo – Second in Command (Faction lead)

In the hierarchy of Rescue and Redeem, Rune Viero’s role is pivotal. As second in command, she ensures that the Orderlies maintain order and harmony. When the Orderlies are not available to patrol Rumor City, Rune herself steps in, driven by a commitment to maintain tranquility. To her, Anita’s directives are sacrosanct, and she would expend her very last ‘respawn’ to uphold them.

The Orderlies – Protectors of Peace

The Orderlies are the steadfast guardians for all Echoes, shielding them from the shadows of internal threats. Their paramount duty lies in ensuring the safety and security of all during various explorations and patrol. With vigilance, they traverse their designated routes, engaging with each individual they encounter, weaving with peace through their presence.

For players who thrive on combat in roleplay (RP) or seek to establish new connections, the role of an Orderly is an ideal fit. In an OOC context, the primary aim of this faction is to inject dynamism into the roleplay environment, essentially ‘stirring the pot’. As an Orderly, you’re granted a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the lives of others, sparking active and captivating interactions that are the heartbeat of this group. The vitality and impact of the Orderlies depend fundamentally on online presence and active participation.

OOC (Out of Character) Expectations:

Try to complete the designated patrol route. Each patrol should be an opportunity for meaningful engagement, as you interact with every individual you meet. These encounters are not just routine checks; they are the catalysts for ‘stirring’ the dynamics of the simulation. They present invaluable chances for players, especially newcomers, to form alliances, ignite rivalries, and truly experience the pulsating life of Rumor City.

Scouts – Eyes and Ears of the Unseen

Scouts embark on thrilling forays into Rumor’s unpatrolled quarters. Tasked with a mission of utmost importance, they weave through the shadows to gather intelligence and relay back crucial insights. Their skilled reconnaissance is pivotal, shaping strategic decisions and guiding the distribution of resources.

From an out-of-character (OOC) perspective, Scouts must possess the acumen to discern other players’ openness to the espionage elements of the game. This often involves making tactful inquiries in the general OOC chat, such as ((Do you understand I am trying to spy on you?)) if a group seems very welcoming and perhaps OOCly unaware. Additionally, displaying your Rescue and Redeem tag acts as a subtle signal, inducing a sense of wariness in others. For Scouts to effectively execute their duties, it’s vital to interact with players who roam the more secluded areas of Rumor City. Cultivating relationships with these characters and gleaning key information, which is then reported back to the leaders of your base, is essential. This approach ensures that Rescue and Redeem operates with a rich tapestry of information, rather than grasping in the dark.

OOC (Out of Character) Expectations:

Scouts are expected to focus on exploring the unpatrolled zones of Rumor City. It’s crucial to establish and maintain a network of contacts throughout the city. These connections are vital for keeping Rescue and Redeem informed about potential threats and opportunities, thereby playing a critical role in the faction’s success and survival.