Mystery Surgical Theater

“This place isn’t just about stitching up wounds; it’s about reinventing resurrection. With the advent of the Siphon, the good doctor gave the Echoes a gift—the chance to respawn predictably, within the safety of these walls, rather than in the wild unpredictability of the city.

Here’s how it shakes out: The Siphon pulls you back from the brink, guiding your Essence like a train on rails, straight to the recovery bay. Registered healers, who’ve learned to summon The Doctor, stand ready to shake whatever profit that can get to do you the favor of a summon. Summoning The Doctor will have him use the Siphon to speed up the Essence recovery, but it’s a dicey bet. Pump an Echo full of Essence too fast, and their body might just say ‘no thanks,’ with less than pleasant results.

Healers flock here to get registered, to get their hands on the Siphon’s leashes. But once they’ve signed up, they’re free agents, roaming Rumor City with the power to knit souls back to flesh.

Don’t expect a squeaky-clean past to get your healer’s badge. Background checks? Please. This is Rumor City—everyone’s got skeletons. Ethics training? Not in the playbook. If you’re looking to thread the needle of moral quandaries, you’ll find guidance under the wing of the Oversight Officer.”



Jobs and more information pending information from someone who would like to run the faction.