The Fused


The Fused are probably the most dangerous of all the genres. Their sanity is not quite fully intact, and they can be very unpredictable. These echoes are those whose minds have fractured. They don’t recall their past life correctly, they have filled in details wrong, and created whole civilizations that did not exist in the real world. Since their mind is fractured it is not uncommon for their body to take on futuristic looks, such as cybernetic enhancements, that have never before existed in the living world.


The appearance of a Fused is colorful, and tends to be shiny. These echoes have taken on things that have never existed before, such as cybernetic eyes, arms, legs. It is not uncommon for a Fused to have a laser hidden in their arm, or needles in their nails. The echoes in the Fused genre have full fabricated a whole new reality that is real just for them, and it shows in their appearance.

Why would someone become a Fused?

Everyone has a breaking point, and everyone handles those breaking points differently. Some people are able to heal and grow, but others can’t. Others need escapism to an unhealthy degree. They need to sink into a whole other world just to survive the life they were living. When the soul moved on and found itself in Rumor it hasn’t healed, whatever broke this person broke their very soul not just their mind.


The Fused are insane and unpredictable. They have a skewed view of life, and the illusions their mind creates are ones only they can see. They can be dangerous with their advanced technology ingrained into their body, but they aren’t all violent. Some are just trying to survive and find a new home here, like the rest of the echoes.