The Horror


The Horror Genre are the people who don’t shy away from the dark side of life, and they don’t pretend to be anything other then themselves. Willing to do anything to survive, the echoes who fall under this genre tend to look like the villains from movies. Intimidating and confident this Genre has an air about them that many naturally avoid.


The appearance of the Horrors varies drastically, just like the other genres. Things they have in common is that their appearance tends to put some sort of fear in those around them. A wariness to them that has other echoes think twice before they start a fight. This intimidation can come through in a variety of ways. Examples would be fangs that are flashed when the echo smiles, being larger than average, and solid muscle, or having bat-like wings and horns to match.

Why would someone become a Horror?

Those whose echo falls into this genre has had something happen to them. Something where they could either forgive, forget and move on… or embrace the pain, negativity, and make sure that whatever happened in the past never happens again. These are souls that embraced the darkness like an old friend, and some even decided if they had to suffer, everyone around them must suffer as well. The Horror genre has their sanity, of course, but they are the souls that never got saved when they were alive.


The Horrors look like the villains. They have been hurt in some way that has never healed properly and now they use this to protect themselves. Just because they look the part and are intimidating does not mean an echo in this genre has to be evil. It could very well just be a protective layer to keep from getting hurt again.